Guard Dogs & General Purpose Dog Services

Always keeping guard

guard dogs in cages in van|towebp

Security Dog Services with Trained Handlers

Security dog services are one of the most effective and powerful ways to safeguard any property.

Here at Omni Security Services, we offer leading K9 security dogs along with fully-trained K9 officers who can keep your property safe 24/7. As well as providing a visual deterrent due to their formidable appearance, our security dogs have the intelligence and agility necessary to spring into action at a moment’s notice, so if any intruders do breach your property they can be swiftly prevented from causing any damage.

Working in conjunction with one another, this service combines the strength and acute senses of our protection dogs with the natural instincts and vigilance of the guard dog handlers giving you peace of mind that you’re always in the best hands.

Guard Dog & Handlers in Cambridge, London, and Northampton

If you’re looking to guard any property in London, Cambridge, Northampton or throughout the UK, then our canine security services are the perfect choice.

Our teams are trained to the highest industry standards and are all NASDU-compliant. From large commercial and industrial properties to open spaces, our guard dog patrols are capable of protecting any area and they’re always alert to any potential intruders due to their excellent senses.

From general purpose dogs to K9 protection dogs, we offer a wide range of security dog services. To find out more, get in touch with Omni Security Services today.

k9 dog sitting down looking at dog handler

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